Hanz de Fuko Quicksand
The weirdest hair styler on the market is also one of the best texturizers.
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Why It Stands Out
Hanz de Fuko has some incredibly innovative and unusual hybrid hair products. They definitely don’t follow a script, and this is evidence of such. I could wax poetic about all of their products, but if any single one is most deserving of a Blue Ribbon, it is this oddball of the bunch. You won’t get much mileage from it if your hair is more than a few inches in length, but if you wear things short and need some extra fullness, you can do no better than Quicksand.
This hair styler is part wax, part dry shampoo—meaning it soaks up excess grease from your hairs so that you get more volume and lift at the roots. Together with the wax base, it yields extremely impressive, densifying results.
It feels really odd, too, when you’re wearing it. That’s the inclusion of diatomaceous earth as the oil-absorbing ingredient. You can almost feel those little granules in the hair whenever you touch the strands, but nobody will see them; they’re microscopic and they’re helping you get that fullness and texture.
It’s not likely a product you will use every day; you could use it every second or third day, just before your next shampooing. You will probably want to rinse this one clean with shampoo the day after use, because the next-day bedhead will be gnarly if you sleep on hair wax.
How to Use It
Apply a dime-sized amount to dry hair, emulsifying in the palms to warm it up. I often just emulsify it across my fingertips so I can most easily massage it into the roots—I find it’s hard to sweep a waxy styler across the top of my hairs—but most guys will apply it uniformly through their hair no problem.