The World of Men’s Grooming


Supply Single Edge SE Razor

Supply Single Edge SE Razor

Safety-razor shaving has never been easier.

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Why It Stands Out

Personally, I love a safety razor; give me a single, sharp blade, which I can glide across skin with confidence and just enough pressure. But I understand why it looks a bit more daunting compared to cartridge razors. Supply’s paint-by-numbers safety razor simplifies things, so that you get all the benefits of a single, sharp blade without room for error.


With most industry-standard safety razors, you’ve got to carefully angle the head of the blade, then shave with short (and confident!) strokes; the slightest error can yield a nice broad slice across skin. No bueno. Not to mention… loading and removing any double-edge safety blades is a recipe for a split thumb, no matter how careful you go.


Supply’s injector-style single-edge razor allows you to side-load blades; you won’t even need to handle the blade itself until you dispose of them, thanks to the loading mechanism. From there, everything else is extremely intuitive, in terms of the shave itself. It will feel familiar to any cartridge users, in terms of handling and maneuvering. Technically you’ll be holding the blade at a 10-15 degree angle but I promise you won’t be guessing whether you’re using it correctly.


I’ve converted many friends and readers to the safety razor life thanks to Supply—not that I’m anti cartridge; quite the opposite. I just hate that we all grow up learning one way, while there are a handful of options to experience and consider.

Also, Supply recently launched disposable versions of this one, too, if you want to tote a blade with you on a weekend or work trip.

Supply Single Edge SE Razor

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How to Make the Most of It

Use each blade 6-8 times or for 2-3 weeks, whichever occurs sooner. Rinse it fully between uses, let it dry completely before storing in a cool, dry place until the next use (away from dust and objects that could cause blade strain).

How to Use It

Load blades using the side-injector device, which clicks into the head of the razor and allows you to slide the fresh blade across and into position. Tighten the head before using. 


Use minimal pressure while shaving; shave in short, confident strokes, at an intuitive angle (which will be 10-15 degrees off of skin). Make sure to properly prep the skin before shaving, and to soothe it after shaving with an adequate recovery regimen.


Replace blades after 6-8 shaves or after 2-3 weeks; that’s what I’ve always preached and that’s what I recommend here, too. No dull blades, old blades, or germy blades, alright?

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